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Journal articles

C. Furió-Novejarque, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia. GLP-1 receptor agonists models for type 1 diabetes: a narrative review. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. Accepted September 2024.
R. Sanz, Iván Sala-Mira, C. Furió-Novejarque, P. García, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia. In Silico Validation of a Customizable Fully-Autonomous Artificial Pancreas with Coordinated Insulin, Glucagon and Rescue Carbohydrates. Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. Volume 44(3): 560-568. September 2024. [10.1016/j.bbe.2024.08.003]
C. Furió-Novejarque, I. Sala-Mira, A. G. Ranjan, K. Nørgaard, J.L. Díez, J. Bagterp Jørgensen, J. Bondia. Analysis on the contribution of glucagon receptors to glucose dynamics in type 1 diabetes. IFAC Journal of Systems and Control. Volume 29: 100272. September 2024. [10.1016/j.ifacsc.2024.100272]
C. Furió-Novejarque, I. Sala-Mira, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, A model of subcutaneous pramlintide pharmacokinetics and its effect on gastric emptying: Proof-of-concept based on populational data. Computers Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 244, 107968, 2024 [10.1016/j.cmpb.2023.107968]


P.G. Jacobs, P. Herrero, A. Facchinetti, J. Vehí, B. Kovatchev, M. Breton, A. Cinar, K. Nikita, F. Doyle, J. Bondia, T. Bettelino, J.R. Castle, K. Zarkogianni, R. Narayan, C. Mosquera-Lopez, Artificial intelligence and machine learning for improving glycemic control in diabetes: best practices, pitfalls and opportunities, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Available online november 2023
A. Mesa, A. Beneyto, J.F. Martín-SanJosé, J. Viaplana, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Safety and performance of a hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system with carbohydrate suggestion in adults with type 1 diabetes prone to hypoglycemia, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 205, 110956, 2023
C. Furió-Novejarque, R. Sanz, T.K.S.Ritschel, A.T. Reenberg, A. G.Ranjan, K. Nørgaard, J.L. Díez, J. B. Jørgensen, J. Bondia, Modeling the effect of glucagon on endogenous glucose production in type 1 diabetes: On the role of glucagon receptor dynamics, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 154, 106605, 2023
A. Aslan, J.L. Díez, A.J. Laguna, J. Bondia, On the Use of Population Data for Training Seasonal Local Models-Based Glucose Predictors: An In Silico Study, Applied Sciences, 13(9):5348, 2023
R. Sanz, P. García, S. Romero-Vivó, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Near-optimal feedback control for postprandial glucose regulation in type 1 diabetes, ISA Transactions, 133, 345-352, 2023


R. Sanz, P. García, S. Romero-Vivó, J.L. Díez, J Bondia, Near-optimal feedback control for postprandial glucose regulation in type 1 diabetes , ISA Transactions, 2022 Jun 29;S0019-0578(22)00343-3, doi: 10.1016/j.isatra.2022.06.033. Online ahead of print.
F. Prendin, J.L. Diez, S. Del Favero, G. Sparacino, A. Facchinetti, J. Bondia, Assessment of Seasonal Stochastic Local Models for Glucose Prediction without Meal Size Information under Free-Living Conditions, Sensors, 22(22), 8682, 2022
S. Faccioli, I. Sala-Mira, J.L. Díez, A. Facchinetti, G. Sparacino, S. Del Favero, J. Bondia, Super–twisting-based meal detector for type 1 diabetes management: Improvement and assessment in a real-life scenario, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 219,106736, 2022
I. Sala-Mira, P. Garcia, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Internal model control based module for the elimination of meal and exercise announcements in hybrid artificial pancreas systems, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 226, 107061, 2022
V. Moscardó, A. Garcia, J. Bondia, J. Diaz, A. Ramos-Prol , P. Rossetti, Effect of Ethanol Consumption on the Accuracy of a GlucoseOxidase-Based Subcutaneous Glucose Sensor in Subjects with Type 1 Diabetes, Sensors, 22, 3101, 2022


I. Sala-Mira, M. Siket, L. Kovács, Gy. Eigner, J. Bondia, Effect of Model, Observer and their Interaction on State and Disturbance Estimation in Artificial Pancreas: an In-Silico Study. IEEE Access, 9, 143549 – 143563, 2021
A. García, V. Moscardó, A. Ramos-Prol, J. Díaz, M. Boronat, J. Bondia, P. Rossetti, Effect of meal composition and alcohol consumption on postprandial glucose concentration in subjects with type 1 diabetes: a randomized crossover trial, BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care, 9(1), e002399, 2021
L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J.A. Martín-Fernández, J. Vehí, Probabilistic Model of Transition between Categories of Glucose Profiles in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Using a Compositional Data Analysis Approach, Sensors, 21, 3593, 2021.
E. Montaser, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Glucose Prediction under Variable-Length Time-Stamped Daily Events: A Seasonal Stochastic Local Modeling Framework, Sensors, 21, 3188, 2021.
E. Muñoz Fabra, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, A.J. Laguna Sanz. A Comprehensive Review of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Accuracy during Exercise Periods, Sensors, 21, 479, 2001.
C. Viñals, A. Beneyto, J.F. Martín-SanJosé, C. Furió-Novejarque, A. Bertachi, J. Bondia, J. Vehi, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Artificial pancreas with carbohydrate suggestion performance for unannounced and announced exercise in Type 1 Diabetes, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 106(1), 55-63, 2021
R. Sanz, P. García, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Artificial Pancreas System with Unannounced Meals based on a Disturbance Observer and Feedforward Compensation, IEEE Trassactions on Control Systems Technology, 29(1), 454-460, 2021


J. Bondia, Artificial Pancreas, Rev Esp Endocrinol Pediatr, 11 Suppl(1), 8-13, 2020
R. Martín-San Agustín, A.J. Laguna Sanz, J. Bondia, E. Roche, J.C. Benítez Martínez, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, Impact of High Intensity Interval Training Using Elastic Bands on Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Study, Applied Sciences, 10(19), 6988, 2020
A. Bertachi, L. Biagi, A. Beneyto, J. Vehí, Dynamic Rule-Based Algorithm to Tune Insulin-on-Board Constraints for a Hybrid Artificial Pancreas System, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2020, Article ID 1414597,
E. Montaser, J.L. Díez, P. Rossetti, M. Rashid, A. Cinar, J. Bondia, Seasonal Local Models for Glucose Prediction in Type 1 Diabetes, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 24(7), 2064-2072, 2020
A. Beneyto, A. Bertachi, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, A new blood glucose control scheme for unannounced exercise in type 1 diabetic subjects, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(2), 593-600, 2020
C.M. Ramkinssoon, A. Bertachi, A. Beneyto, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Detection and Control of Unannounced Exercise in the Artificial Pancreas without Additional Physiological Signals, Journal of Biomedical Health and Informatics, 24(1), 259-267, 2020. Epub 2019 Feb 11
J. Vehí, I. Contreras, S. Oviedo, L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, Prediction and prevention of hypoglycaemic events in type-1 diabetic patients using machine learning, Health and Informatics Journal, 26(1), 703-718, 2020
A. Bertachi, C. Viñals, L. Biagi, I. Contreras, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Prediction of Nocturnal Hypoglycemia in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes under Multiple Daily Injections Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring and Physical Activity Monitor, Sensors (Basel), 20(6), 1705, 2020


A.J. Laguna, J.L. Díez, M. Giménez, J. Bondia, Enhanced accuracy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring during exercise through Physical Activity Tracking integration, Sensors, 19(17), 3757, 2019
S. Oviedo, I. Contreras, A. Bertachi, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Vehí, Minimizing Postprandial Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes Patients using Multiple Insulin Injections and Capillary Blood Glucose Self-monitoring with Machine Learning Techniques, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 178, 175-180, 2019
V. Moscardó, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Parallel Control of an artificial pancreas with coordinated insulin, glucagon and rescue carbohydrate control actions, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 13(6), 1026-1034, 2019
V. Moscardó, P. herrero, J.L. Díez, M. Giménez, P. Rossetti, P. Georgiou, J. Bondia, Coordinated Dual-hormone Artificial Pancreas with Parallel Control Structure, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 128, 322-328, 2019
I. Sala-Mira, J.L. Díez, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, Sliding-mode disturbance observers for an artificial pancreas without meal announcement, Journal of Process Control, 78, 68-77, 2019
A. Güemes, P. Herrero, J. Bondia, P. Georgiou, Modeling the effect of the cephalic phase of insulin secretion on glucose metabolism, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 57(6), 1173-1186, 2019
S. Oviedo, I. Contreras, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Vehi, Risk-based postprandial hypoglycemia forecasting using supervised learning, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 126, 1-8, 2019
J. Vehi, J.R. Isern, A. Parcerisas, R. Calm, I. Contreras, Impact of use frequency of a mobile diabetes management app on blood glucose control: evaluation study, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(3), 2019
C. Liu, J. Vehi, P. Avari, M. Reddy, N. Oliver, P. Georgiou, P. Herrero, Long-Term Glucose Forecasting Using a Physiological Model and Deconvolution of the Continuous Glucose Monitoring Signal, Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 19(19): pii: E4338, 2019 doi: 10.3390/s19194338
L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J.A. Martín-Fernández, J. Vehí, Individual Categorisation of Glucose Profiles Using Compositional Data Analysis, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(12), 3550-3567. 2019


A. Beneyto, J. Vehí, Postprandial fuzzy adaptive strategy for a hybrid proportional derivative controller for the artificial pancreas, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 56(11), 1973-1986, 2018
I. Contreras, J. Vehí, Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes Management and Decision Support: Literature Review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(3), e10775, 2018
N. Rosales, H. de Battista, J. Vehí, F. Garelli, Open-loop glucose control: Automatic IOB-based Super-Bolus feature for commercial insulin pumps, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 159, 145-158, 2018
A. Bertachi, A. Beneyto, C.M. Ramkissoon, J. Vehí, Assessment of Mitigation Methods to Reduce the Risk of Hypoglycemia for Announced Exercise in a Uni-hormonal Artificial Pancreas, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 20(4), 285-295, 2018
C.M. Ramkissoon, P. Herrero, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Unannounced Meals in the Artificial Pancreas: Detection Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Sensors (Basel), 18(3), pii: E884, 2018
L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Accuracy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring before, during, and after Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Biosensors, 8(1),  pii: E22, 2018
M. Giménez, S. Purkayajthab, V. Moscardó, I. Conget, N. Oliver, Intraperitoneal insulin therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes. Does it fit into the current therapeutic arsenal?, Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición, 65(3), 182-184, 2018
P. Herrero, J. Bondia, M. Giménez, N. Oliver, P. Georgiou, Automatic Adaptation of Basal Insulin using Sensor-augmented Pump Therapy, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 12(2), 282-294, 2018
V. Moscardó, J. Bondia, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, C. Fanelli, P. Lucidi, P. Rossetti, Plasma Insulin Levels and Hypoglycaemia Affect Subcutaneous Interstitial Glucose Concentration, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 20(4), 263-273, 2018
C. Quirós, A. Bertachi, M. Giménez, L. Biagi, J. Viaplana, C. Viñals, J. Vehí, I. Conget, J. Bondia, Control de la glucosa durante el ejercicio físico aeróbico y anaeróbico mediante un nuevo sistema de páncreas artificial, Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición, 65(6), 311-376, 2018
M. Giménez, A.J. Tannen, M. Reddy, V. Moscardó, I. Conget, N. Oliver, Revisiting the Relationships Between Measures of Glycemic Control and Hypoglycemia in Continuous Glucose Monitoring Data Sets, Diabetes Care, 41(2), 326-332, 2018
J. Bondia, S. Romero-Vivo, B. Ricarte, J.L. Díez. Insulin Estimation and Prediction: A Review of the Estimation and Prediction of Subcutaneous Insulin Pharmacokinetics in Closed-Loop Glucose Control. IEEE Control Systems, 38(1), 47–66, 2018
A. Bertachi, C.M. Ramkissoon, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Automated blood glucose control in type 1 diabetes: A review of progress and challenges, Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición, 65(3), 172-181, 2018


E. Montaser, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Stochastic Seasonal Models for Glucose Prediction in the Artificial Pancreas, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 11(6):1124-1131, 2017
P. Herrero, J. Bondia, N. Oliver, P. Georgiou, A Coordinated Control Strategy for Insulin and Glucagon Delivery in Type 1 Diabetes, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20(13):1474-1482, 2017
L. Biagi, A. Hirata-Bertachi, I. Conget, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, J. Ampudia-Blasco, P. Rossetti, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Extensive assessment of blood glucose monitoring during postprandial period and its impact on closed-loop performance, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 11(6):1089-1095, 2017
P. Herrero, J.Bondia, O. Adewuji, P. Pesl, M. El-Sharkawy, M. Reddy, C. Toumazou, N. Oliver, P. Georgiou, Enhancing Automatic Closed-Loop Glucose Control in Type 1 Diabetes with an Adaptive Meal Bolus Calculator – In Silico Evaluation under Intra-Day Variability, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 146:125-131, 2017
P. Rossetti, C. Quirós, V. Moscardó, A. Comas, M. Giménez, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, F. León, E. Montaser, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Closed-loop control of postprandial glycemia using an insulin-on-board limitation through continuous action on glucose target, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 19(6):355-362, 2017
I. Contreras, S. Oviedo, M. Vettoretti, R. Visentin, J. Vehí, Personalized blood glucose prediction: A hybrid approach using grammatical evolution and physiological models, PLoS One, 12(11):e0187754, 2017
C.M. Ramkissoon, B. Aufderheide, B.W. Bequette, J. Vehí, A Review of Safety and Hazards Associated With the Artificial Pancreas, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 10:44-62, 2017
L. Biagi, C.M. Ramkissoon, A. Facchinetti, Y. Leal, J. Vehí, Modeling the Error of the Medtronic Paradigm Veo Enlite Glucose Sensor, Sensors (Basel), 17(6): E1361, 2017
I. Contreras, S. Kiefer, J. Vehí, Adaptive Workflows for Diabetes Management: Self-Management Assistant and Remote Treatment for Diabetes, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 237:151-156, 2017
S. Oviedo, J. Vehí, R. Calm, J. Armengol, A review of personalized blood glucose prediction strategies for T1DM patients, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 33(6), 2017


D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, B. Ricarte, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Real-time estimation of plasma insulin concentrations from continuous glucose monitor measurements, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 19(9):934-942, 2016 (Epub 2015 Sep 7)
I. Contreras, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Vehí, Profiling intra-patient type I diabetes behaviors, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 136:131-41, 2016


P. Herrero, P. Pesl, J. Bondia, M. Reddy, N. Oliver, P. Georgiou, C. Toumazou, Method for Automatic Adjustment of an Insulin Bolus Calculator: In Silico Robustness Evaluation under Intra-Day Variability, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 119(1):1-8, 2015
F. León-Vargas, F. Garelli, H. De Battista, J. Vehí, Postprandial response improvement via safety layer in closed-loop blood glucose controllers, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,16:80-87, 2015


A. J. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Identification of intra-patient variability in the postprandial response of patients with type 1 diabetes, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 12, 39-46, 2014
A. J. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F. J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Experimental blood glucose interval indentification of patients with type 1 diabetes, Journal of Process Control, 24(1), 171-181, 2014
A.J. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Postprandial performance of Dexcom Severn Plus and Medtronic Paradigm VEO: Modeling and statistical analysis, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 10, 322-331, 2014


Y. Leal, M. Ruiz, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, L. Mújica, J. Vehi, Principal component analysis in combination with case-base reasoning for detecting therapeutically correct and incorrect measurements in continuous glucose monitoring, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 8(6), 603-614, 2013
F. Barcelo-Rico, J.L. Diez, P. Rossetti, J. Vehi, J. Bondia, Adaptive calibration algorithm for plasma glucose estimation in continuous glucose monitoring, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 17(3), 530-538, 2013
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, J. Bondia, On the computation of output bounds on parallel inputs pharmacokinetic models with parametric uncertainty, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 57, 1760-1767, 2013
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivó, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, Cuaranteed computation methods for compartmental in-series models under uncertainty, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 66(9), 1595-1605, 2013
A. Revert. F. Garelli, J. Picó, H. DE Battista, P. Rossetti, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Safety auxiliary feedback element for the artificial pancreas in type 1 diabetes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(8), 2113-2122, 2013
Y. Leal, L. Gonzalez-Abril, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Detection of correct and incorrect measurements in real-time continuous glucose monitoring systems applying a postprocessing support vector machine, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(7), 1891-1899, 2013


P. Herrero, R. Calm, J. Vehi, J. Armengol, P. Georgiou, N. Oliver, C. Tomazou, Robust fault detection system for insulin pump therapy using continuous glucose monitoring, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 6(5), 1131-1141, 2012
P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, A. Laguna, A. Revert, J. Vehí, J.F. Ascaso, J. Bondia, Evaluation of a novel continuous glucose monitoring-based method for mealtime insulin dosing – the iBolus – in subjects with type 1 diabetes using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy: a randomized controlled trial, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 14(11), 1043-1052, 2012
F. León-Vargas, R. Calm, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Improving the computational effort of set-inversion-based prandial insulin delivery for its integration in insulin pumps, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 6(6), 1420-1428, 2012
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, On the prediction of glucose concentration under intra-patient variability in type 1 diabetes: a monotone systems approach, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 108(3), 993-1001, 2012
M. García-Jaramillo, R. Calm, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Prediction of postprandial blood glucose under uncertainty and intra-patient variability in type 1 diabetes: a comparative study of three interval models, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 108(1), 224-233, 2012
C. Lorencio, Y. Leal, A. Bonet, J. Bondia, C.C. Palerm, A. Tache, J.M. Sirvent, J. Vehí, Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring in an Intensive Care Unit: Better Accuracy in Patients with Septic Shock, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 14(7), 568-575, 2012
P. Rossetti, J. Vehi, A. Revert, R. Calm, J, Bondia, Commentary on ‘Performance of a glucose meter with a built-in automated bolus calculator versus manual bolus calculation in insulin-using subjects’, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 6(2), 345-347, 2012
P. Herrero, J. Bondia, C.C. Palerm, J. Vehí, P. Georgiou, N. Oliver, C. Toumazou, A simple robust method for estimating the glucose rate of appearance from mixed meals, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 6(1), 153-162, 2012
F Barceló-Rico, J Bondia, J L Díez, P Rossetti, A multiple local models approach to accuracy improvement in continuous glucose monitoring, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, 14(1), 74-82, 2012
F Barceló-Rico, J L Díez, J Bondia, New possibilistic method for discovering linear local behavior using hyper-Gaussian distributed membership function, Knowledge and Information Systems, 30(2), 377-403, 2012
M. García-Jaramillo, R. Calm, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Insulin dosage optimization based on prediction of postprandial glucose excursions under uncertain parameters and food intake, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 105(1), 61-69, 2012


E.D. Lehman, C. Tarín, J. Bondia, E. Teufel, T. Deutsch, Development of AIDA v4.3b diabetes simulator – technical upgrade to support incorporation of lispro, aspart and glargine insulin analogues, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 2011, Article ID 427196, 17 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/427196, 2011
R. Calm, M. García-Jaramillo, J. Bondia, M.A. Sainz, J. Vehí, Comparison of interval and Monte Carlo simulation for the prediction of postprandial glucose under uncertainty in type 1 diabetes mellitus, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 104(3), 325-332, 2011
F. Barceló, J.L. Diez, J. Bondia, A comparative study of codification techniques for clustering heart disease database, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 6, 64-69, 2011
A. Revert, R. Calm, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Calculation of the best basal-bolus combination for postprandial glucose control in insulin pump therapy, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,58(2), 274-281, 2011


P. Rossetti, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, C.G. Fanelli, Estimating plasma glucose from interstitial glucose: the issue of calibration algorithms in commercial continuous glucose monitoring devices, Sensors, 10, 10936-10952, 2010, doi:10.3390/s101210936
A. Revert, P. Rossetti, R. Calm. J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Combining Basal-Bolus Insulin Infusion for Tight Postprandial Glucose Control. An In Silico Evaluation in Adults, Children and Adolescents, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 4(6), 1424-1437, 2010
Y. Leal, W. García-Gabín, J. Bondia, E. Esteve, W. Ricart, J.M. Fernández-Real, J. Vehí, Enhanced algorithm for glucose estimation using the continuous glucose monitoring system, Medical Science Monitor, 16(6), MT51-58, 2010
Y. Leal, W. García-Gabín, J. Bondia, E. Esteve, W. Ricart, J.M. Fernández-Real, J. Vehí, Real-Time Glucose Estimation Algorithm for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Using Autoregressive Models, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 4(2), 391-403, 2010
J. Bondia, J. Vehí, C.C. Palerm, P. Herrero, El páncreas artificial: control automático de infusión de insulina en diabetes mellitus tipo 1, Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, 7(2), 5-20, 2010


M. García-Jaramillo, R. Calm, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, J. Vehí, Computing the risk of postprandial hypo- and phyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus considering intra-patient variability and other sources of uncertainty, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 3(4), 895-902, 2009.
J. Bondia, E. Dassau, H. Zisser, R. Calm. J. Vehí, L. Jovanovic, F.J. Doyle III, Coordinated basal-bolus for tighter postprandial glucose control in insulin pump therapy, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 3(1), 89-97, 2009
E.D. Lehmann, C. Tarín, J. Bondia, E. Teufel, T. Deutsch, Incorporating a Generic Model of Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption into the AIDA v4 Diabetes Simulator: (3) Early Plasma Insulin Determinations, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 3(1), 190-201, 2009
J. Armengol, J. Vehí , M.A. Sainz, P. Herrero, E.R. Gelso, SQualTrack: a tool for robust fault detection, IEEE Systems Man and Cibernetics – Part B. 39(2), April 2009 DOI: 10.1109/TSMCB.2008.2006909 Available online
J. Wan, J. Vehí, N. Luo, A numerical approach to design control invariant sets for constrained nonlinear discrete-time systems, Journal of Global Optimization, 2009, DOI:10.1007/s10898-008-9334-6 Available online
J. Wan, J. Vehí, N. Luo, P. Herrero, Control of constrained nonlinear uncertain discrete-time systems via robust controllable sets: a modal interval analysis approach, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 15(1), 189-204, 2009


J. Bondia, C. Tarín, W. García-Gabín, E. Esteve, JM Fernández-Real, W. Ricart, J. Vehí, Using Support Vector Machines to Detect Therapeutically Incorrect Measurements by the MiniMed CGMS®, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 2(4), pp. 622-629, 2008
J. Wan, J. Vehí, N. Luo, Nonlinear contractive model predictive control via polytopic robust controllable sets, Journal of Convex Analysis, 15(4), 905-917, 2008
M.A. Sainz, P. Herrero, J. Armengol, J. Vehí, Continuous Minimax Optimization Using Modal Intervals, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 339, 18–30, 2008


E.D. Lehmann, C. Tarín, J. Bondia, E. Teufel, T. Deutsch, Incorporating a Generic Model of Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption into the AIDA v4 Diabetes Simulator: (1) A Prospective Collaborative Development Plan. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 1(3), 106-119, 2007
E.D. Lehmann, C. Tarín, J. Bondia, E. Teufel, T. Deutsch, Incorporating a Generic Model of Subcutaneous Insulin Absorption into the AIDA v4 Diabetes Simulator: (2) Preliminary Bench Testing. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 1(5), 780-793, 2007
J. C. Dehesa, J. Picó, J. Bondia, E. Picó-Marco, Robust posibilistic control of nonlinear flat systems. Journal of Biotechnology, 131 issue 2S, pp. 105, 2007
G. Calderón, J. Armengol, J. Vehí, E. Gelso, Dynamic diagnosis based on interval analytical redundancy relations and signs of the symptoms, AI communications 20(1), 39-47, 2007
J.L. Díez, J.L. Navarro, A. Sala, A fuzzy clustering algorithm enhacing local model interpretability, Soft Computing – A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 11, 973-983, 2007


J. Bondia, A. Sala, J. Picó, M.A. Sainz, Controller design under fuzzy pole-placement specifications: an interval arithmetic approach, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 14(6), pp. 822-836, 2006
J.L.Díez, A. Sala, J.L. Navarro, Target-shaped possibilistic clustering applied to local-model identification, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 19, 201-208, 2006


C. Tarín, E. Teufel, J. Picó, J. Bondia, H.-J. Pfleiderer. Comprehensive pharmacokinetic model of insulin Glargine and other insulin formulations, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, pp.1994-2005, Vol.12, 2005
J. Picó, A. Sánchez, J. Bondia, D. Escudero, A. Torregrosa, C. Correcher, Intelligent robotic cell for trencadís mosaics manufacturing, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, special issue Pattern recognition for autonomous manipulation in robotic systems, Vol. 35, no. 1, pp.75-87, 2005
P. Herrero, M.A. Sainz, J. Vehí, L. Jaulin, Quantified Set Inversion Algorithm with Applications to Control, Reliable Computing, 11(5), 369-382, 2005


E.Teufel, C.Tarín, J.Picó, J.Bondia, H.Pfleiderer, Integration of diary, food database and insulin dosage aid for type 1 diabetic patients on a PDA, BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK, Vol. 49 No. 2 , pp. 218 – 219, 2004
J. Bondia, J.Picó, Application of functional intervals to the response evaluation of LTI systems with fuzzy input, Reliable Computing, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 10, no.5, pp.369-387, 2004


J. Bondia, J. Picó, Analysis of linear systems with fuzzy parametric uncertainty, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 135, pp. 81-121, 2003
J. Bondia, J. Picó, A geometric approach to robust performance of parametric uncertain systems. Int. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.13, no.14, pp.1271-1283, 2003

Books and book chapters

N. Alonso, M.P. Bahíllo, R. Barrio, P.I. Beato, J. Bondia, A. Chico, M. Cuesta, G. Díaz, M. Giménez, C. González, P. Martín, M.J. Picón, C. Quirós, M.B. Roldán, C. Yoldi, Sistemas de asa cerrada, Grupo de Tecnologías Aplicadas a la Diabetes, Sociedad Española de Diabetes, 2021, ISBN: 978-84-09-31438-6


J. Bondia, J. Vehi, Strategies to mitigate hypoglycaemia in the artificial pancreas, In: R. Sánchez-Peña, D. Cherñavvsky (Eds), The Artificial Pancreas: Current Situation and Future Directions, Elvevier, 2019


J. Bondia, J. Vehi, Physiology based interval models: a framework for glucose prediction under intra-patient variability, In: H. Kirchsteiger, J. Bargterp Jorgensen, E. Renard, L. del Re (Eds), Prediction Methods for Blood Glucose Concentration, design, use and evaluation, Springer, 2015


R. Bru, S. Romero-Vivó (eds.) Positive Systems, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 389, Springer, 2009


J. Vehí, J. Bondia (Eds.), El análisis de intervalos en España: desarrollos, herramientas y aplicaciones. Documenta Universitaria, 2005
J. Bondia, A. Sala, J. Picó, Incertidumbre paramétrica borrosa. En El análisis de intervalos en España: desarrollos, herramientas y aplicaciones, J. Vehí, J. Bondia (Eds.), Documenta Universitaria, pp.181-187, 2005
J. Bondia, A. Sala, J. Picó, Control robusto basado en inclusión de conjuntos. En El análisis de intervalos en España: desarrollos, herramientas y aplicaciones, J. Vehí, J. Bondia (Eds.), Documenta Universitaria, pp.153-162, 2005


R. Sanz, I. Sala-Mira, C. Furió-Novejarque, P. García, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, An announcement-free single-/dual-hormone artificial pancreas customizable according to the patient’s preferences, 49th Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs, Bergamo, Italy, 2023.
C. Furió-Novejarque, I. Sala-Mira, A.G. Ranjan, K. Nørgaard, J.L. Díez, J. Bagterp Jørgensen, J. Bondia, Validation of a model of glucagon action including glucagon receptor dynamics under consecutive doses in low and high-carb diets, 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Yokohama, Japan, 2023.
A. Mesa, A. Beneyto, J. F. Martín‑Sanjosé, J. Viaplana, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Safety and performance of a hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery system with carbohydrate suggestion in adults with type 1 diabetes prone to hypoglycemia, 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Berlin, Germany, 2023
J. Miragall, C. Furió-Novejarque, I. Sala-Mira, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, A new pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics model of subcutaneous pramlintide infusion, 16th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Berlin, Germany, 2023


A. Mesa, A. Beneyto, J. F. Martín‑SanJosé, J. Viaplana, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Seguridad y eficacia del sistema híbrido de lazo cerrado jAP en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 y alto riesgo de hipoglucemia, LXIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SEEN), Las Palmas, Spain, 2022. Published in Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición, Volumen 69 | Especial Congreso 2 | Octubre 2022
J. Bondia, V. Moscardó, A. García, J. Díaz, P. Rossetti, Efecto del consumo de etanol sobre la exactitud de un sensor subcutáneo de glucosa. Un estudio aleatorizado y cruzado en sujetos con diabetes tipo 1, XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes (SED), Las Palmas, Spain, 2022
P. Rossetti,, V. Moscardó, A. García, J. F. Martín-SanJosé, J. F. Merino-Torres, J. Bondia, Factores asociados a variabilidad glucémica en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1, XXXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes (SED), Las Palmas, Spain, 2022
J. D. Hoyos, A. J. Laguna, A. R. Carpintero, I. Sala-Mira, J. L. Díez, J. Bondia, Characterization of glycemic patterns in type 1 diabetes without insulin or meal input data, 10th International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC’2022), Marseille, France, 2022
C. Furió-Novejarque, R. Sanz, A. T. Reenberg, T. K. S. Ritschel, A. G. Ranjan, K. Nørgaard, J. L. Díez, J. B. Jørgensen, J. Bondia, Validation of a novel model of glucagon effect including glucagon receptor dynamics, 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Barcelona, Spain, 2022
C. Furió-Novejarque, R. Sanz, A. T. Reenberg, T. K. S. Ritschel, A. G. Ranjan, K. Nørgaard, J. L. Díez, J. B. Jørgensen, J. Bondia, Assessment of a new model of glucagon action with glucagon receptors dynamics, 10th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD2022), Vienna, Austria, 2022. Published in IFAC PapersOnLine 55-20 (2022) 647–652


F. Prendin, J.L. Díez, S. Del Favero, G. Sparacino, A. Fachinetti, J. Bondia, Real-time postprandial glucose prediction using seasonal local models based on continupus glucose monitoring data and mealtime, 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Virtual, 2021
S. Faccioli, I. Sala-Mira, J.L. Díez, A. Fachinetti, G. Sparacino, S. Del Favero, J. Bondia, Super-twisting observer for meal detection assessed in realistic scenarios using UVA/Padova T1D Simulator, 14th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Virtual, 2021


C. Viñals, A. Beneyto, J.F. Martín-SanJosé, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Control de la glucemia durante el ejercicio físico anunciado y no anunciado utilizando un controlador multivariable en lazo cerrado con sugerencia automática de carbohidratos, XXXI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Madrid, Spain, 2020
I. Sala-Mira, M. Siket, Gy. Eigner, J. Bondia, L. Kovacs, Kalman filter and sliding mode observer in artificial pancreas: an in-silico comparison, IFAC World Congress, 2020, Berlin, Germany (1st Virtual IFAC World Congress, IFAC-V 2020)
E. Montaser, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Stochastic Seasonal Models for Glucose Prediction in Type 1 Diabetes under Free Living Conditions, 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Madrid, Spain, 2020
A.J. Laguna, R. Martín, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Impact of high-intensity interval training on nighttime glucose of patients with type 1 diabetes: a pilot study, 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Madrid, Spain, 2020
R. Martín, A.J. Laguna, J. Bondia, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, Impact of increased workload volume of high-intensity interval training on the capillary glucose in patients with type 1 diabetes, 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Madrid, Spain, 2020
C. Viñals, A. Beneyto, J.F. Martín-SanJosé, C. Furió-Novejarque, A. Bertachi, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Automatic control of blood glucose under announced and unannounced exercise using a new multivariable closed loop controller with automatic carbohydrate suggestion and mitigation module, 13th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Madrid, Spain, 2020


C. Schröder, A.J. Laguna, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, Classification of postprandial glycemic patterns in type 1 diabetes subjects under closed-loop control: an in silico study, 41st Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2019
L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, J.A. Martín-Fernández, J. Vehí, Compositional Data Analysis of Glucose Profiles of Type 1 Diabetes Patients, 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems DYCOPS 2019, Florianópolis, Brazil, 2019
V. Moscardó, P. Herrero, J.L. Díez, M. Giménez, P. Rossetti, J. Bondia, In silico evaluation of a parallel control-based coordinated dual-hormone artificial pacnreas with insulin on board limitation, American Control Conference, Philadelphia, US, 2019
J. L. Díez, E. Montaser, M. Rashid, A. Cinar, J. Bondia, Fuzzy clustering based seasonal stochastic local modelling framework for glucose prediction in type 1 diabetes, 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Berlin, Germany, 2019
L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J.A: Martín-Fernández, J. Vehí, Categorization and prediction of glucose profiles of type 1 diabetes patients based on a compositional data analysis approach, 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Berlin, Germany, 2019


I. Sala-Mira, B. Ricarte, S. Romero-Vivó, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Unannounced Meal Control through Sliding Mode Techniques in an Artificial Pancreas, 18th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2018
V. Moscardó, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Physiological modelling of counterregulatory response to hypoglycaemia in type 1 diabetes, 11th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2018
I. Sala, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Generalized extended state observer design for the estimation of the rate of glucose appearance in artificial pancreas, European Control Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 2018
V. Moscardó, J.L. Díez, P. Herrero, M. Giménez, P. Rossetti, J. Bondia, Sliding mode reference conditioning dual hormone coordinated glucose control, 11th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Viena, Austria, 2018
L. Biagi, A. Bertachi, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Accuracy and precision of continuous glucose monitoring before, during, and after aerobic and resistance exercise in subjects with type 1 diabetes, 11th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Viena, Austria, 2018


C.M. Ramkissoon, P. Herrero, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Strategies for Blood Glucose Control during Unannounced Meals, 17th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2017
C. Quirós, A. Hirata Bertachi, M. Giménez, L. Biagi, I. Conget, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Control de la glucemia durante el ejercicio físico aeróbico y anaeróbico mediante un nuevo sistema de páncreas artificial, XXVIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Barcelona, 2017
I. Sala-Mira, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Insulin limitation in the artificial pancreas by sliding mode reference conditioning and insulin feedback: an in silico comparison, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017
C.M. Ramkissoon, P. Herrero, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Meal detection in the artificial pancreas: implications during exercise, IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, France, 2017
L. Biagi, A. Hirata-Bertachi, I. Conget, C. Quirós, M. Giménez, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, P. Rossetti, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Accuracy and precision of continuous glucose monitoring during postprandial period and its influence on closed-loop performance, 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Paris, France, 2017
C.M. Ramkissoon, P. Herrero, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, A novel meal detection algorithm for an artificial pancreas, 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Paris, France, 2017
E. Montaser, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Stochastic seasonal models for glucose prediction in type 1 diabetes, 10th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Paris, France, 2017


V. Moscardó, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Amperometric glucose sensors’ background current is a confounding factor of plasma-interstitium relationship studies during hypoglycaemia, 16th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2016
P. Herrero, J. Bondia, N. Oliver, P. Georgiou, A Novel Bi-hormonal Control Strategy Inspired on the Paracrine Interaction Between Beta Cell and Alpha Cell, 16th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2016
V. Moscardó, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Modelling of adrenaline action during hypoglycaemia in Type 1 Diabetes, CCA’16, Buenos Aires, 2016
P. Rossetti, C. Quirós, V, Moscardó, A. Comas, M. Giménez, J. Ampudia, F. León, E. Montaser, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J. Vehí , Better postprandial glucose control with a new developed closed-loop control system as compared with open-loop treatment in patients with type 1 diabetes ,76ª American Diabetes Association Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 2016
C. Quirós, M Giménez, P. Rossetti, V. Moscardó, A. Comas, FJ. Ampudia, F. León, E. Montaser, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Better postprandial glucose control with a new closed-loop system as compared with open-loop treatment in patients with type 1 diabetes, European Association for the Study of Diabetes Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, September 2016
C. Quirós, P. Rossetti, M. Giménez, FJ. Ampudia, F. León, I. Conget, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Mejoría del control glucémico con un nuevo sistema de páncreas artificial comparado con tratamiento con bomba de insulina en pacientes con Diabetes tipo 1, XXVII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Bilbao, 2016
I. Contreras, J. Vehi, Mid-Term Prediction of Blood Glucose from Continuous Glucose Sensors, Meal Information and Administered Insulin, XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016, 1131-1137, 2016
P. Herrero, J. Bondia, A. Guelmes, N. Oliver, C. Toumazou, P. Georgiou, A bihormonal glucose controller based on the paracrine interaction between beta cell and alpha cell, 9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Milan, Italy, 2016
C.M. Rankissoon, P. Herrero, J. Bondia, J. Vehi, Automatic detection of exercise in people with type 1 diabetes using an unscented Kalman filter, 9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Milan, Italy, 2016


J. Bondia, P. Herrero, J.L. Diez, P. Georgiou, Coordination of insulin and glucagon delivery in bihormonal artificial pancreas through habituating control, 15th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2015
V. Moscardó, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Modelling adrenaline secretion during counterregulatory response in Type 1 Diabetes for improved hypoglycaemia prediction, 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Berlin, 2015
B. Ricarte, D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, J. Bondia,Monotonicity-based guaranteed prediction for glucose control and supervision under intra-patient variability, European Control Conference, Linz, 2015
J. Bondia, A. Campos, J.L. Diez, P. Herrero, P. Georgiou, Bihormonal artificial pancreas with coordinated insulin-glucagon action: a multivariable approach to glycemic control, 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Paris, 2015
P. Herrero, Z. Chen, J. Bondia, P. Georgiou, C. Toumazou, Interval-based Model Predictive Control for an Artificial Pancreas, 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Paris, 2015
C.M. Ramkissoon, J. Vehi, Emotions and Diabetes, 3rd International Conference IWBBIO 2015, Granada, Spain, April 15-17, 2015. Proceedings, Part II. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,720-727, 2015
I. Contreras, J. Vehi, Using Normalised Compression Distance to Identify Different Profiling Days in Type 1 Diabetic Patients, 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems BMS 2015 – Berlin, Germany, 31 August-2 September 2015. IFAC-PapersOnLine,48,20,383-388, 2015


D. Ruiz, J.L. Diez, J. Bondia. A method for safe real-time re-tuning of general artificial pancreas systems, 14th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2014
P. Herrero, P. Pesl, J. Bondia, N. Oliver, M. Reddy, D. Johnston, P. Georgiou, C. Toumazou, Bolus Calculator Autotuning, 14th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2014
J. Bondia, Physiology-based interval models: A framework for glucose prediction under intra-patient variability, Workshop on design, use and evaluation of prediction methods for blood glucose concentration, Linz, Austria, 2014
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, B, Ricarte, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Real-time estimation of insulin-on-board for glucose control in artificial pancreas, 7th Int. Conf. on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Viena, Austria, 2014
A. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehi, J. Bondia, Identification of variability in postprandial behavior of patients with type 1 diabetes from insulin pump data, 7th Int. Conf. on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Viena, Austria, 2014


J.M. Gozálvez-Zafrilla, A. Santafé-Moros, J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, Modelling the response of microdialysis probes in glucose concentration measurement, COMSOL Conference Europe, Rotterdam, 2013
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivó, B. Ricarte, P. Rossetti, F. J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Bondia, Real-Time Estimation of Plasma Insulin from Continuous Glucose Monitoring, 13th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, 2013
P. Herrero, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, P. Georgiou, N. Oliver, C. Toumazou, A Mixed Meal Model LIbrary for In Silico Optimization of Insulin Titration Algorithms, 13th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, 2013
P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, F. Barcelo-Rico, J.F. Ascaso, J. Bondia, Effect of different plasma insulin concentrations (PI) on interstitial glucose (IG); implications for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), 73rd scientific session of the American Diabetes Association, Chicago, USA, 2013
P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, F. Barceló, J.F. Ascaso, A. Artero, J. Caro, J. Bondia, Efecto de concentraciones plasmáticas distintas de insulina sobre la glucosa intersticial: implicaciones para la monitorización continua de glucosa en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 (DM1), XXIV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Sevilla, Spain, 2013
A. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Modeling uncertainty for artificial pancreas systems using interval identification in patients with type 1 diabetes, 6th Int. Conf. on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes, Paris, France, 2013
A. Revert, J. Picó, J. Bondia, Estrategias robustas para el control de glucosa en diabéticos tipo 1, XI Simposio CEA de Ingeniería de Control, Valencia, 2013


Y. Leal, L. Gonzalez-Abril, C. Lorencio, M. Ruiz, J. Bondia, J. Vehi, Un nuevo enfoque para detectar medidas de glucosa erróneas en los sistemas de monitorización continuos de glucosa, JARCA 2012 – Jornadas sobre sistemas cualitativos y sus aplicaciones en diagnosis, robótica e inteligencia ambiental. Tarragona, Spain, 2012
F. Barceló-Rico, J.L. Díez, J. Vehí, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, P. Rossetti, J. Bondia, Evaluation of a local-model-based calibration algorithm for continuous glucose monitoring in type 1 diabetic subjects, 12th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, 2012
Y. Leal, L. González-Abril, M. Ruiz, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, J. A. Ortega, J. Vehí, applying new Support Vector Machine post-processing strategies for the detection of correct and incorrect measurements in CGMS, 12th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, 2012
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, Predictive Tools for Diabetes Management based on Cooperativity, POSTA, Maynooth, Ireland, 2012
M. García-Jaramilloi, R. Calm, J. Bondia, J. Bacca, C. Avila, J. Vehí, Interval Simulator for the prediction of postprandial blood glucose under intra-patient variability and uncertainty, JARCA, Tarragona, Spain, 2012
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, On generalized cooperative systems and the computation of their solution envelopes, Mathematical Modelling in Engineering & Human Behaviour, Valencia, Spain, 2012
D. de Pereda, S. Romero-Vivo, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, Output bounds for compartmental in-series models under parametric uncertainty, BIOMATH, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012
A. J. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F. J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Identification of intra-patient variability in the postprandial response of patients with type 1 diabetes, 8th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems, Budapest, Hungary, 2012
I. Navarro, P. Rossetti, A. Laguna, A. Artero, J. Bondia, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Ascaso, Predicción de la respuesta glucémica posprandial en pacientes con diabetes mellitus 1: dificultades derivadas de la variabilidad intraindividual, XXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Vigo, España, 2012
P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, A. Laguna, J. Vehí, J. Ascaso, J. Bondia, Intra-subject variability makes prediction of post-prandial glucose response difficult in subjects with type 1 diabetes, American Diabetes Association’s 72nd Scientific Sessions, Philadelphia, PA, US, 2012.
Y. Leal, M. Ruiz, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Statistical methods and expert systems for the detection of therapeutically correct and incorrect measurements in RTCGMS, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
A. Revert, J. Picó, H. de Battista, P. Rossetti, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, A reference conditioning method for the reduction of hypoglycemia in closed loop glucose control, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
D. de Pereda-Sebastián, S. Romero-Vivó, B. Ricarte, J. Bondia, A new method for the prediction of glucose concentration under uncertainty in type 1 diabetes, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
A. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Postprandial behavior of DexcomTM SevenTM Plus continuous glucose monitoring system: statistical analysis and simulation, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
F. Barcelo-Rico, J.L. Diez, P. Rossetti, J. Vehi, J. Bondia, Adaptive local-model-based approach for plasma glucose estimation in continuous glucose monitoring, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
C. Barajas-Soriano, J. Bondia, R. Calm, P. Herrero, J. Vehí, A review of absorption models for mixed meals, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
F. León-Vargas, A. Carreras, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, In-silico evaluation for the outpatient artificial pancreas: emulating day-by-day living, 5th International Conference on Advanced Treatments & Technologies for Diabetes, Barcelona, 2012
A. Revert, J. Picó, J. Bondia, Control de biosistemas sujetos a restricciones, X Simposion CEA de Ingeniería de Control, 132-139, 2012
F. Garelli, H. de Batista, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Control de glucemia en lazo cerrado. Relación entre eventos de hipoglucemia severa y saturaciones de entrada. XXIII Congreso Argentino de Control Automático, 1-7, 2012


F. Barceló-Rico, J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, P. Rossetti. Local-model-based calibrations algorithms improve CGM accuracy, 11th Annual Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, 2011
C. Lorencio, Y. Leal, A. Bonet, J. Vehi, J. Bondia, C.C. Palerm, A. Tache, J.M. Sirvent, Accuracy assessment of subcutaneous continuous glucose monitoring in an intensive care unit according to the septic shock state, 24th anual congress of the ESCIM LIVES, Berlin, 2011
F.M. León-Vargas, G. Prados, J. Bondia, J. Vehi, A new virtual environment for testing and hardware implementing clossed-loop control algorithms in the artificial pancreas, 33rd Anual International IEE EMBS Conference, Boston, MA, US, 2011
D. de Pereda-Sebastián, S. Romero-Vivó, J. Bondia, On the computation of output bounds of parallel inputs pharmacokinetic models with parameter uncertainty, Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour, Valencia, Spain, 2011
P Rossetti, F J Ampudia-Blasco, A J Laguna, A Revert, J Vehi, R Calm, S Correa, G Viguer, J Ascaso, J Bondia, Cálculo del bolus prandial utilizando monitorización continua de la glucosa en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 tratados con infusión subcutánea de insulina, XXII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Diabetes, Málaga, Spain, 2011
J Bondia, A J Laguna, P Rossetti, F J Ampudia-Blasco, J Vehi, On the use of hard/soft specifications to deal with intra-patient variability in postprandial glucose control in type 1 diabetes, 18th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011
Y. Leal, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, C. Palerm, J.M. Sirvent, A. Bonet, J. Vehí, Numerical-accuracy assessment of a real-time continuous glucose monitoring system in medical, surgical and trauma critically-ill patients, 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), London, 2011
A. Laguna, P. Rossetti, J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Designing optimal ambulatory conditions to improve prediction capabilities of individual post-prandial glucose models, , 4th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), London, 2011
C. Lorencio, Y. Leal, A. Bonet, J. Vehi, J. Bondia, A. Taché, C.C: Palerm, J.M. Sirvent, Variabilidad de la predicción de un sistema de monitorización continua de glucosa en pacientes críticos dependiendo de su situación hemodinámica, XLVI Congreso Nacional de la SEMICYUC, Bilbao, Spain, 2011
C. Lorencio, Y. Leal, A. Bonet, J. Vehi, J. Bondia, A. Taché, J.M. Sirvent, C.C. Palerm, Valoración de la precisión de la monitorización continua de la glucosa intersticial en pacientes críticos, XXVI Congreso Nacional SENPE, Gerona, Spain, 2011
Y. Leal, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, A. Bonet, J. Vehi, Accuracy assessment of real-time continuous glucose monitoring system in critically-ill patients, Workshop on Control, Dynamics, Monitoring and Applications, Caldes de Montbui, Spain, 2011


J. Bondia, B. Ricarte, S. Romero Vivó, Output monotonicity for a special class of linear differential systems, 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications (AIMS 2010), Dresden, Germany, 2010
C. Lorencio, Y.T. Leal, A. Bonet, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, A. Taché, J.M. Sirvent, Accuracy assessment of Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitors in critically ill patients: Preliminary Results, 23rd ESICM Annual Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
Y. Leal, C. Lorencio, J. Bondia, C. Palerm, A. Bonet, J. Vehí, Accuracy Assessment of Real-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in an Intensive Care Unit: A Pilot Study in Medical and Surgical Patients, 10th Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2010
A. Laguna, P. Rossetti, J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Improving Postprandial Model Identification Using Ambulatory Data from Type 1 Diabetic Patients, 10th Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2010
P. Herrero, J. Bondia, C. Palerm, J. Vehí, P. Georgiou, N. Oliver, C. Toumazou, A Simple Method for Estimating the Rate of Glucose Appearance from Mixed Meals, 10th Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, US, 2010
C. Tarín, L. Traver, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, A learning system for error detection in subcutaneous continuous glucose measurement using support vector machines, CCA-MSC’10, Yokohama, Japan, 2010
A.J. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Optimal Design for Individual Model Identification based on Ambulatory Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes, UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2010, Coventry, UK, 2010
J. Bondia, Métodos intervalares para el control de glucemia postprandial en diabetes mellitus 1, Simposio CEA Bioingeniería 2010, Málaga, Spain, 2010
A. Revert, R. Calm, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Combining basal-bolus insulin infusion for tight postprandial glucose control. An in silico validation in adults, children and adolescents. 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Basel, Switzerland, 2010
F. León, G. Prados, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Integrating closed loop algorithms development, in silico validation and hardware implementation in a single framework, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Basel, Switzerland, 2010
J. Camacho, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, J.M. Fernández-Real, Application of missing data methods for exploratory data analysis in medical research, VII Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum, Granada, Spain, 2010


A. Revert, R. Calm, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, Calculation of the best basal-bolus combination for postprandial glucose in insulin pump therapy, 9th Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, 2009
Y. Leal, W. García-Gabín, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Real-time glucose estimation algorithm using autoregressive models, 9th Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, 2009
J. Bondia, E. Dassau, H. Zisser, R. Calm, J. Vehí, L. Jovanovic, F.J. Doyle III, Role of basal insulin in postprandial glucose control with pump therapy, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Athens, Greece, 2009
M. García-Jaramillo, R. Calm, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, J. Vehí, Prediction of postprandial hypo- and hyperglycemia events by means of interval models with uncertain parameters and food intake, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Athens, Greece, 2009
O. Olarte, W. García-Gabín, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, High Frequency Noise Filtering for Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Records in Type 1 Diabetes Patients, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Athens, Greece, 2009
W. García-Gabín, D. Zambrano, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, A sliding mode predictive control approach to closed-loop glucose control for type 1 diabetes, 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (MCBMS), Aalborg, Denmark, 2009
D. Zambrano, W. García-Gabín, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Glucose control in critically ill patients using sliding model control with robust differentiators, 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (MCBMS), Aalborg, Denmark, 2009
F. Barceló-Rico, J.L. Díez, A comparative study of codification techniques for clustering Heart Disease database, 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems (MCBMS), Aalborg, Denmark, 2009
R. Calm, M. García-Jaramillo, J. Bondia, J. Vehí, Insulin dosage optimization based on prediction of postprandial glucose excursions under uncertain parameters and food intake, Small Workshop on Interval Methods (SWIM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009


J. Bondia, E. Dassau, H. Zisser, R. Calm. J. Vehí, L. Jovanovic, F.J. Doyle III, A dynamic basal/bolus advisor: changing the paradigm, 8th Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 2008
M. García-Jaramillo, R. Calm, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, J. Vehí, Risk index of postprandial hypo- and hyperglucemia in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus with consideration of intra-patient variability and other sources of uncertainty, 8th Diabetes Technology Meeting, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, 2008
J. Bondia, C. Tarín, Modelling subcutaneous absorption of human insulin and insulin analogues, European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Edinburgh, 2008
W. García-Gabín, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, R. Calm, Robust Sliding Mode Closed-loop Glucose Control with Meal Compensation in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, 17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
E. Dassau, P. Herrero, H. Zisser, B. Buckingham, L. Jovanovic, C. Dalla Man, C. Cobelli, J. Vehí, F. Doyle, Implications of meal library & meal detection to glycemic control of type 1 diabetes Mellitus through MPC control (I), 17th International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, 2008
W. García-Gabín, D. Zambrano, J. Vehí, C. Tarín, J. Bondia, Robust sliding mode predictive control to closed-loop glucose control for patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, 1st International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD), Prague, Czech Republic, 2008


R. Calm, M. García-Jaramillo, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, C. Tarín and W. García-Gabín, Prediction of glucose excursions under uncertain parameters and food intake in intensive insulin therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus, 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France, 2007
J. Vehí, J. Bondia, W. García-Gabín, C. Tarín, R. Calm, Problemas abiertos en el control de glicemia. Más algunas propuestas, Seminar for Advanced Industrial Control Applications, SAICA, Madrid, Spain, 2007
W. García-Gabín, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, R. Calm, Online detection of therapeutically wrong measurements of continuous glucose monitors using Support Vector Machines, 7th Diabetes Technology Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2007
R. Calm, M. García-Jaramillo, J. Vehí, J. Bondia, C. Tarín, W. García-Gabín, Simulación intervalar del metabolismo de la glucosa en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1, IX Jornadas de de ARCA. Sistemas cualitativos y diagnosis, Lloret de Mar, Spain, 2007
J. Bondia, R. Calm, M. García-Jaramillo, J. Vehí, C. Tarín, W. García-Gabín, Predicción de glucemia en pacientes con diabetes tipo 1 ante incertidumbre, I Simposio en Modelado y Simulación de Sistemas Dinámicos (SIMOSI), Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI), Zaragoza, Spain, 2007


C. Tarín, J. Bondia, Therapeutic model validation based on Clarke Error Grid Analysis with uncertain measurements, 6th Diabetes Technology Meeting, Atlanta, EEUU, 2006
C. Tarín, J. Bondia, E. Teufel, J. Vehí, On spatial discretisation in the calculus of subcutaneous insulin absorption profiles, 2nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Barcelona, Spain, 2006
J. Bondia, A. Sala, M.A. Sainz, Modal fuzzy quantities and applications to control, Proc. of NAFIPS’06, Montreal, Canada, 2006
A. Sala, J. Bondia, Loop-shaping PID-tuning: a linear programming approach. Proc. of 7th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Lisboa, Portugal, 2006


J. Bondia, A. Sala, J. Picó, Possibilistic robust control for fuzzy plants: controlling performance degradation, 16th IFAC World Congress, Praha, Czech Republic, 2005


C. Tarín, J. Picó, J. Bondia, Guaranteed output prediction under uncertainty of glucose endogenous metabolism for diabetic type I patients, CCA’04, Taipei, Taiwan, 2004
J. Monreal, J. Bondia, J. Picó, Application of local consistency techniques to the design of controllers with robust performance. Special session “Interval Tools for Control” IEEE CACSD, 2004.
J. Bondia, M. Kieffer, E. Walter, J. Monreal, J. Picó, Guaranteed tuning of PID controllers for parametric uncertain systems. 43th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Bahamas, 2004
J. Bondia, J. Picó, A. Sala, Controller design under fuzzy model uncertainty via CSP, 2nd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control (AFNC’04), Oulu, Finland, 2004
E. Teufel, C. Tarín, J. Picó, J. Bondia, G. Freckmann, H.-J. Pfleiderer, Parameter identification of the endogenous glucose metabolism model for diabetes mellitus I patients, 49 Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, 2004
C. Tarín, E. Teufel, J. Picó, J. Bondia, H.-J. Pfleiderer, The robust approach to dosage aid for insulin dependant diabetes therapy, 49 Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, Germany, 2004
E. Teufel, C. Tarín, J. Picó, J. Bondia, H.-J. Pfleiderer: “Integration of diary, food database and insulin dosage aid for type I diabetic patients on PDA” Internationale Tagung Biomedizinische Technik, BMT’04, Ilmenau, Germany, 2004


J. Bondia, J. Picó, A. Sala, Fuzzy robust stability and performance for fuzzy parametric uncertainty, IFAC Conference on Intelligent Control and Signal Processing (ICONS’03), Faro, Portugal, 2003

Patents and intellectual property

J.L. Díez, J. Bondia, E. Montaser, Method and System for Enhancing Glucose Prediction, US Patent Application US17/143,572, January 2021


J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, V. Moscardó, Control Method and Artificial Pancreas for Administration of Insulin, Glucagon and Rescue Carbohydrates, US Patent Application US16/989,150, August 2020
A.J. Laguna-Sanz, J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, J. Vehí, I. Conget, M. Giménez, Method and System for Enhancing Monitoring Glucose, US patent application US16/985,749, August 2020


J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, P. Rossetti, D. Costa, J. Gil, Simulador infantil de diabetes tipo 1 para educar sobre la regulación de la glucosa en una comida, R-19944-2018, Universitat Politècnica de València
J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, D. Costa, J. Gil, “El viaje de la diabetes”: simulador infantil de diabetes tipo 1 para educar sobre la gestión diaria de la terapia insulínica ante comidas y ejercicio, R-19945-2018, Universitat Politècnica de València
J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, P. Rossetti, A. García, J. Gil, “GluttonCat”: juego nutricional para aprender a comer de forma saludable, R-19946-2018, Universitat Politècnica de València


M.C. Juan, A.M. Calle, J. Bondia, J.L. Díez, ARBreakfast Aplicación de Realidad Aumentada para conocer los alimentos recomendados para el desayuno para un niño con diabetes, R-17987-2016, Universitat Politècnica de València


J. Bondia, F. Barcelo-Rico, J.L. Diez, P. Rossetti, J. Vehí, Y. Leal, Sistema y método de estimación de glucosa en plasma, ES2397168, fecha de concesión: 27/01/2014