Development of a glucose prediction and insulin dosage-aid system for patients with type 1 diabetes

Administrative data
Project reference: DPI2004-07167-C02-01
Title: Development of a glucose prediction and insulin dosage-aid system for patients with type 1 diabetes – INSULAID
Participating centers: Coordinated project
Subproject 1: Universitat Politècnica de València (coordinator)
Subproject 2: Universitat de Girona
Principal investigador: Jorge Bondia (coordinator); Josep Vehí
Funded by: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
Duration: 13/12/2004-13/12/2007
Funding awarded: Subproject 1: €92,000.00; Subproject 2: €97,750.00
Project summary
Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease of great individual and social impact which affects a great number of people. It produces important damages in organs like eyes, kidney, heart, etc. leading to blindness, renal insufficiency, heart attack, etc, as well as a significant reduction in life expectancy. These facts are directly related to the glucose levels in blood. The glycaemic control in normality levels is the main objective of the treatment for type 1 diabetes.
The development of glucemic predictive models will allow a better metabolic control and, thus, reduce the complications of the disease. The metabolic model of the glucose due to Cobelli is nowadays widely validated in clinic experiences. This model is non-linear and with more than 30 parameters to identify. The objectives of this project are the parametric identification of this model for particular patients and the development of a training and simulation system for guaranteed prediction of patient’s glucemia. Based on it, an insulin dosage-aid system will also be developed. With these two systems the quality of life and life expectancy of the patient will be increased. For it, techniques for the resolution of constraint satisfaction problems in continuous domains will be used. These ones have experimented great advances due to the interval methods and combination with programming and optimisation techniques.
Universitat Politècnica de València:
- Jorge Bondia (coordinator)
- Jesús Picó
- Cristina Tarín
- Edgar Teufel
Universitat de Girona
- Josep Vehí (co-IP)
- Remei Calm
- Miguel Ángel Sainz
- Raúl Fernández
Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona
- Wifredo Ricart
- José Manuel Fernández Real