Computer-animated simulation environment for the diabetes education of children with type 1 diabetes
Administrative data
Project reference: PEJ-2014-A-17560
Title: Computer-animated simulation environment for the diabetes education of children with type 1 diabetes
Participating centers: Universitat Politècnica de València
Principal investigator: Jorge Bondia, José Luis Díez
Funded by: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Duration: 01/12/2015 – 01/12/2017
Funding awarded: €127,978.00
Project sumary
This project is part of the action “Incentive to multidisciplinary training and entrepreneurship in the field of mobile applications for health education and healthy lifestyle: application to therapeutic education of patients with diabetes.” It aims at incorporating elements of video games and computer animation to a simulation environment for diabetes education aimed at children with type 1 diabetes, thus facilitating the understanding of homeostasis and the glycemic impact of different insulin therapy actions.
Universitat Politècnica de València:
Jorge Bondia (coordinador)
José Luis Díez
Joaquín Gil
Daniel Costa